5 Tips for a Balanced Gut
Having a functioning gut is a central part of our well being. However, are so many people suffering from gut health problems. The cause of an unbalanced gut is often multifunctional and can be influenced by our diet, lifestyle, stress, environment, medical treatments, toxins, infections, parasites, food allergies and intolerance.
The Microbiota and the gastrointestinal are also connected to the nervous system. What we referred to as the gut- brain axis. The gut brain axis includes a constant interaction between the gut and brain allowing them to impact each other's functions. They communicate through the nervous, hormonal and immune system. This means that the gut brain axis influence,
Stress respons
Mood and emotions
Implications for diseases ex. IBS and IBD
Impact on appetite and food choices
Influence the digestion and nutrient absorption
How do I know if I have an unbalanced gut?
Are you having problems with,
Stomach pain
Skin imbalances
Hormonal imbalances
Irregular weight balance
Mental health issues
Low energy
It all starts with the gut.
Here is 5 tips to help balancing your gut:
Eating a Whole Foods diet. Focus on adding Whole foods to your diet and this will be one of the key factors to your gut health and overall wellbeing and our favorite number one tips! Whole Foods is medicine.
Learn more about Whole Foods , and get inspired to cook Feel Good Foods.
Add de-stressing activities and minimize your stress factors in life. Stress for a long period of time is harmful to our bodies aswell as our guts. If having gut health issues in combination with high stress levels this can cause, imbalances in gut microbiota, increase inflammation, hormonal imbalances, cause a leaky gut etc. Hens the important of De-stressing activities. This may be: Dancing, painting, cooking, reading, meditation, movement, being outside, sunlight, a hobby of yours etc.
Minimize Ultra processed food to your diet. Ultra-processed foods, identified by their extensive ingredient lists often included with added sugars, pose a challenge for our bodies in terms of processing and absorption due to their status as “new food” items. Minimizing these can be a key factor to healing your gut. Sweeteners and additives are especially shown to be harmful for your gut so try to minimize these products, they can often be found in “ healthy” labeled foods.
Daily/ regularly movement is key for our overall well being and gut health. Flow with the energy of the day but regularly movement is important for our body to function normally aswell as our gut health.
Reduce caffeine and alcoholic drinks. These can be harmful for your gut and increase stress to your body, and excessive intake can harm your gut lining creating a “leaky gut”, heartburn, digestion problems, unbalanced microbiota, hormonal imbalances and affect the gut-brain axis, impacting your mental health. If having gut health issues try to reduce these.
Try change it to: Kombucha, Matcha, Tea, Golden milk, Chicory, or why not try VV´s breezy lemon drink this weekend.